RPL evidence is more than just a chat and a resume.  In addition to meeting the principles of assessment, the assessment process involves various forms of evidence and this evidence must meet the four rules of evidence which are; valid, authentic, current and sufficient.  The RPL evidence may be direct (primary), or indirect (secondary) and the types of evidence may include personal information, workplace information and third party information.

While Personal Information could include certificates, qualifications, statements of attainment, licenses, schedules, rosters or payslips, workplace or industry awards, professional or trade memberships, resumes, job description and position, training records or performance appraisals, Workplace Information could consist of portfolios that candidates have developed themselves consisting of workplace documents, samples of work records or forms, videos, photographs, memos, letters, emails, reports, SOPs, charts, checklists, minutes of meetings, completed job cards and industry standards used.


Third Party Information could be verified references from previous employers or supervisors, records of the assessor’s interview, work observation records, work skills demonstration records, witness testimonials or customer feedback surveys and published articles.

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